Sunday, July 27, 2008

To win a Vespa...

I just made a video for a contest to win a Vespa.

The contest is being run by Hollywood East, the people who want to build a film/tv studio in Plymouth, MA.

The videos with the top 20 views before July 31 get to the judging round. Only registered members views count, but only two other people have entered so far. So no pressure registering at the site. But thank you if you do.

Click on the title, Soylent Clean, to watch.

Again, thanks, spread the word, and wish me luck.

(Inspired by this and this.)


Unknown said...

contest deadline extended?!? well maybe you can't send an angry email right now, but you can say anything you want about it here!

CleggoMyEggo said...

I think it is bullshit Jen.

Unknown said...

amen, brother barry, preachin' to the choir...

johnc said...

Thanks for your support and for calling them like you sees them. Don't worry, the folks at Hollywood East will hear about this when all is said and done... the amount of anger in what they hear will depend on whether or not I am sitting on an Italian motor scooter at the time.