Monday, March 03, 2008

Watch, visit and share.

You should totally watch this video:

And not just because I'm thanked in the credits, or because a friend made it, or because you can make the word 'gravy' with letters in the title (mmm, gravy). You should watch it because it's a locally produced, cool, new independent web series with twists, turns, purse-snatching, lip gloss and comic books.

Check out the site and the blog. And watch for my cameo in a later episode.


CleggoMyEggo said...

Thank god. I have been waiting for another blog to come around. Maybe while I was waiting I should have wrote something else. Regardless, what exactly did you do on the gravity shoot?

johnc said...

I shot some stills and some behind the scene video for the production. Also, I play, 'interested guy' in a later episode.