Friday, August 10, 2007

Flowers + Time Lapse, again?

Garden from cohnjoyne and Vimeo.

I'm actually pretty allergic to flowers... but I've found that although they don't smell as good on video, they don't make me sneeze.


CleggoMyEggo said...

Me likey.

crosner said...

I like it too. People working together and growing stuff, set to cool music. Is this how you got out of digging in the dirt?

CleggoMyEggo said...

I am going to change my comment from like to "now I f'in hate it." But only because it is good and since I am an editor, my feable sense of self is jealous and threatened.

I hope a racoon jumps out in front of your car and makes a dent in your front fender. Yeah, thats right...I said it.

johnc said...

Thanks. It was fun to make (especially because I can't garden at all)... but cleggo, why so much raccoon hate?

Anonymous said...

try searching [and then viewing] "coonie" "etta" on youtube. that'll make anyone love raccoons...